
About Me.

Hello there.

Glad to see you found my new site. Needless to say, I was extremely unhappy with the setup/layout and name of my previous blog so I did some major soul searching and discovered I had this beauty of an idea in me. :]

Well, my name is Ella and I previously wrote at Can You Dig It?. I created that blog quite a while ago then never posted until earlier in 2010. I wasn't super happy with it, BUT  I was all "I'm lazy so since this is all set up I'm going to just use it".. Clearly that lasted a very long time.

After writing for a while over there I found what it was I wanted to share with youze guys that came over here with me, or are finding me for the first time...

I'm going to share with you all the weird shit that happens to me on a constant basis, whether its an event, a conversation or a random whatever, it should be a good time to read, laugh at or relate to.

Of course other things will pop in here from time to time, I mean you can't expect me to just write that crazy stuff, am I right?

Anycrazy, I will be re-posting what I like to think are my best from Can You Dig It?, and hope you enjoy them and then stick around to see what else I have in store for you. :]

Also, if you would like, ask me questions and I shall answer them to the best of my ability right here and if I get enough, I'll create a questionnaire page.

Well, that is me dreaming big huh?

Enjoy. :]

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